Ryno Built Shop

Ryno's Caddy was parked outside the shop, it's just a kool vehicle all around.

He's had it for years and has driven it all over the place, check your back issues of Car Kulture Deluxe for a feature on it with all of the pertinent details.
Also at Ryno's shop were a few projects. This Pro-Touring Mustang build started out with a 1965 Shelby GT350 Mustang which had been dinged up pretty well in the Joplin tornado in 2011. Most of the damaged body has been replaced, and a ton of work has been done to prep the car for it's massive tires and VASTLY improved suspension. Ryno's worked with TCI to get the suspension customized for the size of rollers that he wanted to run. You can see the finished work is impeccable, and that there are lots of areas roughed in waiting for finalizing. You can find more info on the Mustang build here on pro-touring.com

Also under construction at the shop is a 31 Studebaker President Sedan, info on the build can be found here.

Although it's moved on to a new owner this is a 63 Caddy that Ryno build a few years ago, here is a thread with more info on that build.

A smart husband makes the wife happy, here's a 60 Chevrolet Kingswood Wagon that Ryno is building for his wife, more info on the build here.

Needless to say there is a lot going on at Ryno Built.
If you need some top notch fab work done, get ahold of Ryno!
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