First off, I'm not going :( booooooooooo! I did attend in 2010 and overall I liked the show. For those that don't know the show, it's Viva Las Vegas. Held every year on Easter weekend in Vegas at the Orleans Casino. I'm guessing it's too late for you to go but I'm sure that there will be plenty of coverage floating around by Monday, I'll get some of my favorites and share them with you. When I went the crowd was intense both in numbers and in the literal meaning. Sooooo
many people who were more into the rockabilly than the car show, but
hey that's kool as long as you respect the cars and the people who
build/own them. The plan this year was for a massive caravan from Wichita to Vegas for Viva then to Austin for the Roundup and back... now it looks like I'm rolling to Texas solo where I will meet up with some friends and finish the trip to Austin.
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